
Thinking about coaching is a humbling moment - or an inspired one. After all your successes, you reach your limits. You accept you are the problem. You have the moral courage to face yourself and change. You don’t need ego stroking, positive thinking, or recycled fixed formulas. You want to develop the potential inside you – to make it happen rather than dream about it.

And you can't do it alone...

All this comes before working on your business environment, work relationships, KPIs, infrastructure development, profitability, process and project efficiencies, customer and staff growth. 

Developing the strength of true self-reflection and self-understanding become the key to career development and business success. This is the central idea of the business coach role at Opus Psycheia. 

Of course, coaching is an overused term. Opus Psycheia works with specific contexts in which coaching operates to fix goals and deliver clearly defined outcomes. We use three steps to create stability in your success:

  • Understand yourself psychologically
  • Understand the specific change points in your business frame
  • Understand how to manage your critical business relationships

All of these operate differently based on your business context. We find the right level of coaching application for you based on where you are situated in your business or professional career.
What is your coaching context?

Start-up context

More and more people are fulfilling their personal life ambitions through self-employment. Coaching for start-ups is about understanding what drives your specific business into a growth trajectory. Your expertise, skills, connections and networks are no longer enough to grasp and control the frame of the business, or its survival and growth. 

When personal enthusiasm burns out into increasing stress, anxiety, uncertainties and exhaustion, it is time for a coach.

The main coaching goals at this stage of your business journey require clarity on the following:
  • Clear business goals broken down into achievable steps
  • Responsive understanding of customer profiles and sector targeting
  • Resource allocation to achieve the above
  • Addressing personal/ psychological difficulties to succeed in this context

SME context

With business growth come responsibilities you were never prepared for. After the excitement of growth and success, the reality of a ship out of control in an ocean of pressures and conflicts from outside and within hits you hard. It can affect your physical health and personal relationships. Too many demands in too many directions start to drag you into exhaustion and poor decision making. Additionally, coaching becomes necessary for your employees because team work and team leadership are critical to business functioning.

The main coaching goals in the SME context are:
  • Understanding departmental functions and processes
  • Creating teams and reducing internal conflicts and silos
  • Developing team leaders in a service rather than a power culture
  • Identifying strategies for customer acquisition and retention

Corporate context

The career flight paths in corporate companies make coaching either specifically individual or team based. Coaching goals are customised to the industry sector and internal dynamics of each corporate. 

Typically, they will involve the following:
  • Individual psychological resistances to tasks and success
  • Individual psychological difficulties in work relationships
  • Detoxing personal, team or departmental conflicts
  • Creating an integrative service culture opposed to a power culture
Coaching formats

Whilst on-site face-to-face meetings are available, the Covid Pandemic has normalised the use of online (Zoom/Teams) meetings as acceptable business practice. This means that coaching can be provided for local, national and international clients. Team work is preferably run in meeting room settings but can be conducted online. 

With a Masters degree in Psychoanalysis, and as co-founder, operational and marketing director of a mental health broadcasting project, Previn is happy to discuss your coaching needs within your business context.

contact Opus Psycheia today

Thinking spot

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