Our clients say it best

We’re proud to have helped many businesses achieve their goals. See what they say about our service.


“I have been fortunate to benefit from the business consultancy, psychological interventions and personal support from Previn that have enabled my company to very quickly make a fundamental and dramatic turnaround.

There were immediate improvements in creating processes and infrastructure, establishing recruitment criteria for different departments, and helping to implement a tremendous amount of knowledge in understanding customer profiling and buying behaviours. Despite my initial cynicism, almost every one of his business recommendations have been correct.

I know his work will help many people and I cannot recommend him highly enough.”

Managing Director


“Previn was very unique in the way he could see my business situation from a psychological viewpoint and provide a personal transformation from some negative experiences I had in the property development field. I was able to understand why those experiences were actually keys that unlocked my ability to learn and be in control of future success. He helped me to form positive relationships with other professional colleagues and peers in the field, and most importantly in my relationship with investors. Rather than fruitless speculation or endless planning and argument that goes nowhere, I can now focus on specific actions based on clear process steps to achieve goals, with relevant learning points for me when they occur. This also makes my research into land and property development and investor relations much sharper, more focussed, efficient and with realistic outcomes for those involved.”

Managing Director


“I work with a number of companies on strategy and have recommended Previn where I have found problems with management. As an example, one company had invested a lot in developing two managers but they were not inspiring their teams of workers and productivity was poor. After a few sessions with Previn, both managers were more confident and enjoyed managing their departments. Inevitably, the atmosphere improved and co-operation and productivity went up.”

Chris Robinson
Managing Director


“In a short space of time, Previn was voted onto the Development Team (DVT) here at PODDI, one of the most financially successful networking groups on the south coast. This demonstrated his acceptance and popularity in the group within the first few months of becoming a member.

Previn reflected great energy, commitment and focus towards the many different business owners in our weekly meetings. He identified the need to change our approach to mentoring of new and old members requiring more support, and radically changed our views on the function of educating the group.

Previn rapidly used his skills and experience to leave us with detailed frameworks on both organisational change issues. Our Development Team can implement his proposals and processes that will revive not just mentoring and education, but relationships and energy within the group. I am happy to recommend his consultative and inclusive style to any businesses that are in need of change.

Warren Baker
Development Director, Poddi


“I remember and was discussing the days of your mentoring and guidance very vividly [with my partner]… Although some years on now and looking back, along with natural maturity and 'finding myself' as time goes on, meeting with you and the guidance you provided me with was a key moment in my life and has made me a much stronger person with an ability to think and act with a clearer mind.”

Business Development / Account Manager

If you’re a business leader looking for a change that strategically transforms your business, or could benefit from a business review, get in touch now.

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